the success of an eye exercise rests solely on strategy
Deborah Crowley Age 65 Founder of FlexEffect Facialbuilding
“… it is never simply one exercise. every eye problem demands combination training”
EYE BAGS STRATEGY: Facial Resistance Training ™ – Cross Stretching™
If bags are not caused by allergies, they are more than likely fat deposits. It was once thought the only way to remove eye bags was surgery… Don’t even think about it!
Andrea Before & After – FlexEffect Facialbuilding No more eye bags, no more hooded lids. Brow area thicker and lifted. See more of Andrea under Target Training
Hooded lids can be genetic, if not the case then caused by the thinning of the skin and, or bone loss, allowing for brow-drape
Jacqui Before & After – FlexEffect Facialbuilding
No more hooded lids – The center of the upper lids are thickening and beginning to arch Lower lids are beginning to thicken, lifting upward, note lash line no longer flat
The majority of Tori’s eye wrinkles were due to sun damage. Obviously the avoidance of sun was paramount. Cross Stretching™ was needed to repair her skin i.e., thicken and smooth the skin. Aggressive Facial Resistance Training™ gave her all the lift she needed.
Tori Before & After – FlexEffect Facialbuilding Wrinkled Lids Completely Gone.
Tori trained for one year. See all her amazing accomplishments under Target Training.