Medical Reviews
FlexEffect Facialbuilding
facial bone remodeling facial skin remodeling
facial resistance training
Have you had cosmetic surgery or considering it?
You can do FlexEffect and still have cosmetic surgery. You can have a facelift. You can have implants or any number of procedures and continue to do FlexEffect. We recommend you train before surgery; the training will condition the muscles and tissue for the procedure. After you have completely healed, you can get back into your training and continue to improve.
Facialbuilding & medical reviews

Loren Pickart, Ph.D
Discovered the tissue regenerative actions of copper-peptides.
Author – Reverse Skin Aging.
As a Scientist in the field of aging reversal and skin remodeling, I personally want to congratulate Deborah Crowley on her design and development of what she coined in 1979, Facial Resistance Training. Her non-surgical program, “FlexEffect Facialbuilding,” has revolutionized facial reconstruction alternatives.
note: You will find mention of FlexEffect Facialbuilding in his book.
Valori Treloar, M.D.
Board-Certified Dermatologist
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Boston, MA
I needed a facial exercise program to recommend to my patients and my internet search produced eight of them. Deb’s FlexEffect was the program with the best strength training focus. Combining her bodybuilding expertise with a thorough knowledge of facial musculature, she has developed a program that makes sense physiologically. Loss of muscle is not the only cause of aging of the face. Decrease of fat pads, thinning of the layers of the skin, damage by ultraviolet light, poor nutrition all contribute. However, Facialbuilding may well be one of the most important ways we can help slow the aging process.
Mark E. McGovern, M.D., FACC, FACP
Miami, FL
I have been doing FlexEffect for over a year. My results, to say the least, have been fantastic. I practice them about 12-25 minutes almost every day.
From a scientific standpoint, facial exercises unquestionably work. Much as an applied program of bodybuilding strengthens and enlarges the skeletal muscles, as well as tone and tighten the overlying skin, facial exercises do the same. The skin and muscles in the face sag with time. a regular applied program of facial exercise will strengthen and lift them, and tone and tighten the overlying skin as well.
Unfortunately, there are still many surgeons that refute claims of the efficacy of facial exercises. It may simply be that they are not familiar with the programs or techniques. It’s unimaginable to think, from a physiological point of view, that the effects of weight training stop at the neck.
John L.W. Richards, M.D.
Auburn, WA
I can’t imagine any knowledgeable medical professional would doubt that the facial muscles would respond any differently to exercise than any other skeletal muscle. It’s refreshing to finally come across FlexEffect a facial training program that not only can improve muscle tone but also increase muscle mass. I believe these facial exercises as an adjunct to a healthy diet, nonsmoking lifestyle, and daily sunscreen use can slow down if not reverse the normal aging process.
Jennifer Sherwood, M.D.
Los Angeles, CA
While reading about the FlexEffect program and browsing the discussion board, I have noticed several references to the smooth skin of children compared to the sun-damaged, aging skin of adults. the reason they can make thousands of expressions that do not result in wrinkles is not because of lack of sun-damage. the epidermis of a newborn continuously grows to accommodate new growth on both musculature and skeletal structure. Gerontologists have conclusively proven that this growth can occur from birth to about twenty-five years of age, after which the human body slowly begins to decline. At that point, when the epidermis is no longer growing and stretching is when the ravages of gravity and sun damage begin to take effect. This is exactly when a program like FlexEffect is most beneficial. Through Facialbuilding, a person is able to increase muscle mass, thus causing the epidermis to stretch and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Thank you for your time and I look forward to joining you all as a Facialbuilder.
Dr. Mark Berman
Former President of California Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons.
When you exercise, you tone and tighten the muscles in your body, so why not apply the same principles to your face? I’ve seen the results, and it works.
Dr. Samuel Stegman,
Associate Professor of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
University of California – San Francisco.
The skin overlying the muscles that make expressions is folded virtually millions of times in our lifetime. I consider it remarkable that our skin is so durable that it can survive this with only a few wrinkles. We all smile and express ourselves at all ages of life, but it’s not until the tissues themselves are assaulted by external factors like sun-damage that these creases begin to become permanent.
Philip W. Brandt,
Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology
Columbia University
They are a form of muscle called striated skeletal, just like all the other muscles of the arms and legs. They do have more of the properties of a slow than fast skeletal muscle and are unique in some respects. I cannot think of any reason they cannot be built just like other muscles. Most people have weak facial muscles, because it is not learned very well. In most people, their face tells their state of mind. The facial muscles are not under good conscious control in many people. this leads some people to think they are involuntary but they are not. If they were involuntary they would be hard to train so perhaps that is why some people think they cannot be built.
Doug Shaw
Mad River Community Hospital
Arcata, California
We have been teaching FlexEffect here at our hospital for about two years now. I’t’s excellent for those dealing with Bell’s Palsy, facial trauma or for those who just want to look good. I’ve been doing it myself and it’s great. You should start to see results in about two weeks that’s how it was for me …
a firm youthful face right at your fingertips™